Commissioner of Oaths
The CAO/Clerk and Deputy Clerk are commissioners for taking your oath or solemn affirmation for an affidavit or statutory declaration.
You can book an appointment with a Commissioner of Oaths. Call for an appointment to see who is available during regular office hours.
Before you make your appointment:
Please ensure that a Commissioner of Oaths can sign the document.
We are not Notary Publics and we cannot notarize documents.
Do not sign the document. You must sign it in front of the Commissioner.
You must bring the document and photo ID, such as a Drivers Licence. (Health Cards cannot be used as photo ID in Ontario).
We will not commission any document that is in any language other than English.
We have the right to refuse providing commissioning services for any document.
Some documents require the commissioner to know the person for a period of time. For example, pension documents.
Please ensure the Commissioner is aware of the type of document that requires the Commissioner’s signature. For example, Commissioners cannot commission a will, as that would be referred to a solicitor.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the CAO/Clerk Denise Deforge at 705-377-5726
Contact Us
Municipality of Central Manitoulin
6020 Highway 542, P.O. Box 420
Mindemoya, ON P0P 1S0
Tel: 705-377-5726
Fax: 705-377-5585
Email Us
Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM ET
Closed on statutory holidays