Central Manitoulin Youth March Break Fishing Tournament 2025
Youth aged 18 and under in Central Manitoulin are invited to participate in a March Break fishing contest! There is currently $1200.00 in donated cash and prizes to be won for longest fish in the two categories of Perch and Lake Trout! The contest is split between two age categories of ages 13 to 18 and ages 12 and under. Fish can be caught in an inland lake that is within or touches the Municipality of Central Manitoulin’s border. Clear photos above the fish with measuring tape included are to be taken, verified by a parent or guardian per the measuring and submission guidelines and emailed to the organizer. Thank you to all our community minded donors! Read on for full details!
Full details at https://centralmanitoulin.ca/marchbreakfishing
Contact Us
Municipality of Central Manitoulin
6020 Highway 542, P.O. Box 420
Mindemoya, ON P0P 1S0
Tel: 705-377-5726
Fax: 705-377-5585
Email Us
Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM ET
Closed on statutory holidays