Spring Bay Hall
Spring Bay Hall is located at 9298 ON-542, Spring Bay, ON.
- Fully accessible
- Wheelchair ramp access,
- Accessible bathrooms
- Fully stocked and licensed commercial kitchen. Kitchen amenities include stove, commercial fridge, coffee maker, microwave.
- 15 4x4 tables and 100 chairs.
Occupancy Limits
Standing Only - 186
Sitting Non-Fixed Chairs - 100
Tables and Non-Fixed Chairs - 80
If you are looking to rent this hall please reach out to the office at 705-377-5726 or hnicklasson@centralmanitoulin.ca
Contact Us
Municipality of Central Manitoulin
6020 Highway 542, P.O. Box 420
Mindemoya, ON P0P 1S0
Tel: 705-377-5726
Fax: 705-377-5585
Email Us
Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM ET
Closed on statutory holidays